08 December 2020

Business Isle of Man and the Department for Enterprise have supported a promotional Christmas video for the Isle of Man, featuring over 50 local artists and businesses in a bid to inspire residents to shop locally this Christmas.
The ‘Love local this Christmas’ video features businesses from key towns across the Island- including a bookseller, beauty salon, butchers, gift shop and café to name just a few, to encourage shoppers to think local first and keep their spending close to home this Christmas.
The song ‘Keep us in your heart this Christmas’, was written and produced locally by Simon Rae and Dave Armstrong and sung collaboratively by four local artists- Alex Maxwell, Ben Donaldson, Christine Collister and Kizzie Puzzar, and the Roc Vannin Choir.
The Department for Enterprise, via the Economic Recovery Programme, has also supported the #LoveIOM and ‘Truly Manx Christmas’ campaigns to ensure residents are aware of the benefits of spending within the local economy, particularly this year.
Lawrie Hooper MHK, Political Member for Business Isle of Man said:
‘The coronavirus pandemic has been a difficult time for all of us and our small, independent businesses are no exception. These businesses are incredibly vital to our Island’s community and buying local is one of the most important things we can all do to help support our economy. Manx businesses not only form the backbone of our retail and hospitality economy but also provide a valuable service to the customer and thousands of jobs to Manx residents.
‘Whether you choose to buy your Christmas meat from your local butcher, dine out, or shop in any of the Island’s vibrant town centres, my ask is simple - go out and support your favourite local businesses this Christmas and beyond.’
One of the stars of the 2020 campaign is Bev Clegg of The Shed- an award winning artisan beachside eatery overlooking Laxey Bay. Commenting on her involvement in the video, Bev said:
‘Having started running The Shed in 2017, we are extremely lucky and thankful to our customers, regular and new, for helping us to grow and become a real part of the Laxey community.
‘What is special about the Isle of Man is that we are a real close-knit community who do our best to support each other to succeed- this was especially proven earlier this year when the coronavirus pandemic was at its peak on the Island. We were therefore delighted to play a part in this video, which we hope will put all local businesses, not just our own, at the forefront of our Islanders minds this Christmas and beyond into the New Year.’
With under 18 shopping days left until Christmas, the Island offers plenty of gift ideas for all ages, from stocking fillers and festive food selections, to a wide variety of gift vouchers, thanks to a vibrant mix of local retail and hospitality businesses.