13 December 2018

The Business Isle of Man Agency is set to host the first Joint Aerospace Cluster Summit in the New Year. The Isle of Man is continuing to lead the way in the Aerospace Manufacturing industry, recognising there is value and opportunity for businesses in the UK, Ireland and Isle of Man to work together in partnership.

Five key stakeholder groups will be invited to attend, comprising members of the Isle of Man Aerospace Cluster (IOMAC), The North West Aerospace Alliance (NWAA), the Emerald Aerospace Group, Shannon International Aviation Services Centre, and Northern Ireland’s Causeway Aero Group. These groups will come together to network, build relationships, and create opportunities between clusters across the Irish Sea.

Business Isle of Man currently supports the IOMAC, acting as the conduit between private and public sector organisations within the Aerospace industry. Adrian Moore, Head of Business Isle of Man and Chair of the IOMAC, commented:

‘It is encouraging that so many large companies from Ireland and NW England are seeing value in creating links and relationships with the Isle of Man. The export and supply chain prospect it provides for IOMAC members within the industry is huge. With growing order books and steep build rate increases along with the potential economic uncertainty due to Brexit, it is important that we look to our neighbours to move forward in close-working relationships.’

Dr David W. Bailey FRAeS, Chief Executive of the NWAA commented:

‘The NWAA are delighted to support the IOMAC with the Joint Aerospace Cluster Summit. This new event will bring together, for the very first time, members from each of the trade associations and industry groupings from Ireland, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man and the North West of England. It is set to be a fantastic 2-day event with networking opportunities, industry updates and interactive workshop sessions to maximise collaboration. As the host of the first event, this gives the Isle of Man a superb opportunity to showcase the Island’s aerospace heritage and capability.’

The summit will provide attendees with the opportunity to talk with potential new clients, suppliers and partners and discover capabilities in the supply chain that haven’t previously been considered. UK and Irish businesses will also be taken for site tours around IOMAC member businesses. This not only showcases the success of the businesses here on the Island but also provides opportunity to see first-hand their work and identify areas for collaboration.

Minister for Enterprise, Laurence Skelly MHK, who will be opening the Summit, commented:

‘We are proud to have an economy where local entrepreneurship is supported and thriving and more new businesses are choosing to call the Isle of Man home. The summit will be a fantastic opportunity to showcase the Isle of Man as an Island of Enterprise and Opportunity and a special place to live and work.’

For more information on the IOMAC please visit